
Take on the Going Car Free Challenge 2024

Calling drivers across the UK, are you ready for a challenge? Summer’s here and the time is right for the Going Car Free Challenge – a month of climate-friendly travel.

What are repair cafes, and what are some of their benefits?

“Repair cafes” are community spaces that offer a sustainable solution to the throwaway culture prevalent in modern society.

Global fight to end fossil fuels – September 2023 protests

On September 15 to 17, millions of people around the world will take to the streets to demand a rapid, just, and equitable end to fossil fuels.

Join Operation Climate Vote near you

A general election is coming, as soon as next year, and it’s our best shot at winning serious climate action. So Greenpeace is uniting the British public to push the government – whoever that may be – to take climate change seriously.

Reasons to ban SUVs & 4x4s

Our new website collecting reasons to ban SUVs & 4x4s is now live

Post-capitalism: What is it and what does it involve?

Post-capitalism is a term used to describe a theoretical economic system that could emerge after capitalism that creates a more equitable, sustainable, and democratic economic system. Here are some ways we can live like that right now.

Laptop & Phone Recycling Nottingham

WIth having a background in IT and a keen interest in reducing waste, I’m going to start experimenting with recycling old laptops and Android phones.

Tyre Extinguishers – standing up to urban 4x4s

SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate; Tyre Extinguishers have had enough