Latest Past Events

Beeston repair cafe – October 24

Beeston Methodist Church Chilwell Road, Beeston

Book in ONE item & let our fixers share their skills with you, to fix it. If you know you need spare parts e.g. zip, please bring with you.


Nottingham Fixers repair cafe – Sept 24

Sherwood Methodist Church Devon Drive, Nottingham

On Saturday the 14th September 2024, we're back in Sherwood Methodist Church upstairs rooms from 2-5pm. We look forward to seeing you to learn or share your repair skills. Refreshments will be available. So, broken things at the ready - have you a hole in your jumper? Bike need a check-up? Kettle not working? Come […]

Green Meadows Festival 2024

It’s Summer, which means one thing… the Green Meadows Picnic is back and with a new name, the Green Meadows Festival. The Green Meadows Festival is a one day event celebrating green living, local and national climate action, sharing practical skills and knowledge on climate resilience, and inspiring you to join the movement. Taking place […]
